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Toil vs Rest

Here’s a wee teaser from Phil’s notes:

Jesus talks the talk when it comes to the Kingdom of God, and he also walks the walk.


In every miracle situation the people did what they could and failed to succeed.

But when Jesus arrives.



Here’s a challenge for all of us:  we come to church and we hear the Preacher talk about God and His amazing Truth.  We hear about the Kingdom of God but do we live it?


The disciples had Jesus with them on the boat but they only turned to him as a last resort – they cried “we are going to die!”


What position do we naturally take when we face a storm?

  • do we try and deal with it in our own strength?
  • or do we turn to Jesus and his answer?


Here’s a quote I read this week:

“Safety lies not in our distance from danger, but in our nearness to God.”

And that’s from a soldier who was fighting the war in the Persian Gulf!


Friends, that’s the difference between Toil and Rest.


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