Helping you to live a life of purpose on purpose

Announcing Prosperous Soul

I’m pleased to share that my good friend, Stephen De Silva, will be in New Zealand in February 2014 to deliver his Prosperous Soul seminar in two locations.

Here’s a brief teaser on these events:


When it comes to money, why does it seem as if we’re always one step behind?

The answer, says Stephen, is not just about how you handle your bank account.
It’s also spiritual.

Stephen combines practical financial teaching with sound biblical truth.  As you uncover the root spiritual issues behind money problems you will see how financial and spiritual success start with a soul centred on God.

Success with our money is part of God’s plan for every believer, and it is our assignment today to prepare our hearts and character for good works in Christ.  Stephen’s prayer for you is that through this program you would prosper and be in good health, even as your soul prospers (3 John 1:2).


The dates are:

Auckland – 14 and 15 February 2014.  Location:  Harbourside Church, Takapuna.

Hamilton – 21 and 22 February 2014.  Location:  Eastside Church, Hamilton


Please visit to read more and register online.

Video link:

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