Helping you to live a life of purpose on purpose

Lead towards the Vision

Business owners must be out the front of their troops leading them into new frontiers.


Think of General Custer leading his army into battle.  Think of Alexander the Great.  Think of William Wallace.  Regardless of your political preference you have to admit that each of these leaders were renown for leading their troops into a battle demonstrating they were fully committed to the vision.  And you must, too.


Your people need to see you captivated by the Vision.


I’ve been known in the past to lead people where they never thought they would go just because I was fervently committed to the vision we shared.  I would work harder, longer and drive more productivity to make sure I added my strength to the team.  I would encourage them, I would coach them, I would even help lift their load at times.  I wanted them to know I was committed to the vision and I was committed to them being a successful part of it.  And I have to say my people responded.  Some weeks we would work long into the night together because of the shared commitment we enjoyed.  Other times, when my family needed me, I know I could count on the team to carry out what was necessary.  In one case I remember counseling a staff member to bring home-life balance into his perspective because he was spending too much time at work!  (I admired him for his diligent commitment, but family must come first!)


There’s a phrase we have as part of our Family Values that says “Lift Others As You Climb” and that typifies what I’m trying to convey.   Our job as the leader is to empower others to be successful.  We do this by helping them find and develop their strengths and then giving them ample opportunity to succeed in that area.  That means you have to promote them ahead of yourself and ensure they have every chance to succeed.  When you are able to show the people who have bought in to your vision that you believe they can help you will see them do the impossible!


One other key function of your leadership is to make sure the obstacles and detours are well managed.  There will be deviations from the plan which you as the leader will drive everyone safely through.  Don’t make the mistake of being so pig-headed (some called it committed to the plan) that you can’t adapt when necessary.  When the poo hits the fan your people will look to you for leadership.  Don’t let them down – lead!

It was Confucious who was famous for saying:

“When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don’t adjust the goals, adjust the action steps.”


My encouragement to all business people is about Vision.  Catch the Vision and Cast the Vision.  Your people will engage in a powerful vision that seems scary and impossible when they can see the part they play.  As you refocus them regularly on the Vision they will keep to the tasks and strategies that have been designed for purposeful success.  And when they look out front and see the Leader (you) being the sharp point of progress, they will muster all their strength to keep up.


Be the success they aspire to.

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